Man Hospitalized Sfter 'Naked Fampage'?

Anti-meth PSAs cause a stir - In why didn't this happen before news, a nationwide task-force called the Meth Project recently commissioned Darren Aronofsky to direct four PSAs for their anti-meth campaign. The umbrella group hired the director to adopt their M.O. of "hard-hitting and graphic portrayals," which is like asking Michael Bay to please shoot helicopters flying at sunset.

We've got all four, relatively NSFW vids below. Darren Aronofsky anti-meth ads, 

If you can't bring yourself to grit your teeth and watch them now, just wait. Somehow, they'll all apparently show on TV. Darren Aronofsky PSAs, 

Considering one involves gay sex, this is bound to be a real humdinger for the anti-gay, anti-drug warriors at the Parent's Television Council. the meth project, 

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