Stupid Criminals 2011

Stupid criminals 2011- From negligent parents to disgruntled customers to terrible dog sitters, there's never a shortage of not-so-bright criminals. Click through to read about some of the dumbest offenders of the past few months.
Trespassing couch potato

The story: A burglary suspect told his side of the story after he was caught watching TV on someone else's couch. jason bastrom + punched out, Jason Leon Bastrom + criminal trespass
Very wrong number
The story: A 61-year-old woman was nabbed after cops say she called and texted them to set up a drug deal. What was she allegedly selling? Judy Weible called police, Jackson, Mississippi, Judy Weible called police,
Judy Weible called police
The story: Police raided a home after a neighbor sent them a flier that had been posted. What did it say? , heroin for sale sign, portland + meth lab, 19 grams of marijuana, 10 grams of heroin, 190 pills and $4,143 in cash + shotgun,
Facebook post leads to drug bust
The story: Police showed up at a 38-year-old man's house after he posted a "creative writing project" on Facebook. What did they find instead? douglas martin kidnapping post leads to drug bust, Douglas J. Martin holding ex-girlfriend prisoner , Douglas J. Martin + marijuana, heroin and drug paraphernalia,
Fleeing Wal-Mart
The story: Police said a young couple fled Wal-Mart but left something very important behind. Sadly, this isn't the first time this happened. shoplifters leave kids in walmart, Michael S. Kaufman + Kelsey Grobmeier + shoplifting, Children left + Michael S. Kaufman + Kelsey Grobmeier , Amy Kapetanious and Daniel shelton baby at walmart, Shoplifters leave kids in Wal-Mart,
Topl**s high-speed chase
The story: A 28-year-old woman is accused of leading cops on a high-speed chase wearing not much more than a G-string. Get the latest news on her case. topless woman high speed chase, topless high speed chase, erin holdsworth,
Thieves steal nearly empty cash register
The story: A Florida woman is accused of stealing a cash register that turned out to be worth more than its contents. How much money was in it? Erica Denise Phillips + cash register, erica denise phillips cash register quarter,
'Filtered' bank robber
The story: Apparently forgetting about surveillance cameras, a man robbed a bank using a common household item to hide his face. Was he caught? furnace filter bank robbery, filter bank robber, furnace filter bank robber got away ,
Drug deal gone wrong
The story: A 35-year-old woman was charged with selling drugs after police said she set up a drug deal by texting with the wrong person. Who was it? Amy Leigh Brown texts deputy, Amy Leigh Brown + sheriff's deputy,
Churchgoers get a surprise
The story: A 23-year-old man told police he paraded in a skimpy piece of women's clothing to win a bet. How much was the bet? Brandon Ames thong church, brandon ames + woman's thong, brandon ames $300 bet,
Nabbed by the lunch lady
The story: A Texas student is accused of giving a friend phony bills to use in their high school cafeteria. How much was it? college station + dollar bill + cafeteria, dustin dominique aleman + state jail felony forgery of a financial instrument, dustin dominique aleman + two counterfeit bills,
Left empty-handed
The story: Police say a 21-year-old man broke into a store and rode off on his bike, but didn't quite get what he was after. What did they allegedly catch him with? man steals empty dvd cases, man stole empty dvd cases, head of a sledge hammer tied to a rope empty DVD cases,
Dog-walking and driving
The story: A dog sitter was charged after shocked fellow drivers said they saw her leading a small dog down the street while driving her car. What was her alleged excuse? joan zalk + chihuahua, joan zalk + animal cruelty, joan zalk + dog needed to walk at least three miles a day or ballistic,
Pet-washing burglars
The story: A man returned from a trip to find that intruders had made themselves at home while he was gone. How were they caught? burglars wash dog, Somebody done wash the dog in my house, burglars wash dog left camera with pictures,
Man calls cops on prostitutes
The story: A Kansas man reportedly called police because he was upset about the number of escorts that showed up at his motel room. What did he allegedly say? Ahmed Hasnain + prostitutes, Ahmed Hasnain + escorts, Ahmed Hasnain just wanted a refund,
Wannabe gangster nabbed
The story: A 24-year-old Wisconsin man, who has since been linked to other crimes, was arrested on several charges after police say he tried to bribe them. What did he say he was doing? Christopher Parker gangland arrest, christopher parker eau claire burglaries, christopher parker arrested chicago + felony attempted bribery, christopher parker police $100,000, I watch Gangland and I came to the South Side of Chicago to act like a big baller,
Clown robbers fooled
The story: Two men dressed as clowns who robbed a jewelry store probably weren't laughing when they got home. Why? clowns steal fake jewelry, clowns rob jewelry store, clowns steal fake jewelry,
Woman denied salon treatment
The story: A woman was charged with intoxication and assault after she was refused a bikini wax at a salon. How was she caught? drunk woman + bikini wax + iowa city, iowa city woman snapped towel at employee,
Bad baby sitter
The story: A 23-year-old baby sitter was charged after police caught her putting an 8-month-old baby in a dangerous situation. What was her excuse? baby stroller in back of truck, Keyona Nicole Davis + facing child neglect charge, baby stroller truck, Keyona Nicole Davis + It's not like they give you a handbook excuse,