Biggest brown-noser and paul ryan

Mitt Romney announced Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis) as his vice presidential candidate Saturday (Aug. 11) and naturally, the details about Ryan, both personal and political, have come streaming into the forefront of the national media.
Ryan Lizza, a writer for the New Yorker, got his hands on Paul Ryan's high school yearbook and promptly began Twitpic-ing photos of Ryan's various high school activities, which included soccer, ski club, Latin club, student council and being voted Junior Class President, which also earned him the title of Prom King. Ryan also won one of the senior superlatives -- Biggest Brown-Noser.

Lizza also wrote an in-depth profile on Ryan for the New York just five days before he was announced as the VP candidate. An excerpt:
"If you're going to criticize, then you should propose," [Ryan] told me. A fault line divided the older and more cautious Republican leaders from the younger, more ideological members.