Text before crash

A college student is driving and texting when he portentously texts that he should stop texting. He then drives his car off the road and into a ravine.
Do you have premonitions? Do you sometimes just know bad things will happen, even though you have no idea how or why?
Please, then, show solidarity with Chance Bothe.
He both had a premonition that chance would not favor him and lived to tell the tale.
It seems that Bothe, a college student from
Granado, Texas, was driving along a road and texting when something struck him: perhaps he shouldn't be driving along a road and texting.
As Today.com has it, he was having a texting row with a friend. Then he caught himself and texted: "I need to quit texting, because I could die in a car accident."
It was as if the witches of doom where spying on this conversation, for, very shortly afterward, his car plowed off the road and down a ravine.
This all happened six months ago as he was driving home, but only now can Bothe talk about it, as he suffered serious injuries: a broken neck, a fractured skull, brain trauma, and a crushed face.

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