Sandy damage 20 billion

Sandy Damage Could Top 20 Billion - Residents of the areas pummeled by superstorm Sandy began to look towards rebuilding efforts Wednesday, though many remain without power, neighborhoods remain strewn with debris and many transportation systems remain closed. At least 55 people have been reported dead as a result of the storm, which one economic firm predicted caused up $20 billion in damage. 

New York City buses resumed their schedule and the New York Stock Exchange prepared to reopen its trading floor Wednesday, but it became clear that restoring the region to some semblance of normalcy could take days or considerably longer for communities that were the hardest hit.
“We will get through the days ahead by doing what we always do in tough times — by standing together, shoulder to shoulder, ready to help a neighbor, comfort a stranger and get the city we love back on its feet,” New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.
As of early Wednesday, Sandy had left at least 55 people dead along the Atlantic Coast, and had destroyed beachfront homes and boardwalks from the mid-Atlantic states to southern New England. The storm later moved across Pennsylvania on a predicted path toward New York State and Canada.  -