Make online banking safer-Your online relationship with a bank is quite different from the normal, over-the-counter transaction you normally conduct. Fraud has become rampant to the point that you are even at risk opening your account in the first place.
For example, websites that clone legitimate bank sites have been created by thieves who hope to attract you there, encourage you to make a deposit, then make off with your money. However, if you follow certain rules, online banking can be as safe as ever. Here are some things to think about. Here are some Instructions: Be sure that the bank you choose to open an account online is secure.
Check the address bar of the bank you have chosen. If the bar begins with and not it is secure. When you are on such a page, the data is scrambled for anyone who may be attempting the gather that information. Also, check for an image of a padlock on the website. Avoid banks that do not offer this level of protection.
Choose your password so others cannot guess what it is. And never, ever, give your login and password information to someone online. Banks have trained their people to never ask for that type of information. So when you receive such a request, be suspicious of its origin. Avoid “phishing” scams.
Thieves will send you emails that may tell you to click through to a website that is very similar to your financial institution's website. On that website, they will ask you to provide sensitive information about your account. They are “phishing” for data that will enable them to access your account. Never divulge that information, and tell your service provider that you have received such an email.
Change your password once every 90 days. No matter how secure your data might be, you can virtually eliminate any security risks by doing this. Monitor your bank account online frequently. Notice if any transactions that you did not make appear on your records.
If you find any, report them immediately to the bank. Ordinarily, the bank will make good for any such transactions. Never use a public terminal or a wireless connection to make a banking transaction online unless you are absolutely sure of a secure connection.
Be sure that your anti-virus and spy-ware programs are up to date. Run a system scan periodically to be sure you have no problems. Also, avoid opening other websites while doing your banking. Make sure you log off the bank's website and close your browser after you have completed your banking transaction.
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