Develop good spending habits

 "Start watching your money, every single cent of it." I'm not kidding; each cent that you throw away can pile up to become great expenses that will all go to waste. What's the point of slaving ourselves on our jobs to earn more money that we are just going to throw away?

A lot of people that I know say that they are contented with what they have, a steady job, a nice income, a good corner office in the high floor, a great family and a great house. Some of them may be saying the truth, but there are also those that have more inside than what they are saying. Some of them don't even have the time to enjoy what they have because they spend all of their waking hours in their jobs just to make ends meet. Not that they are poor, but because they spend so much, much more
than their income.

Reading a few books and attending a few wealth creation seminars, you will see that no matter how hard we work and how much we earn, if we don't have good financial literacy, we may be just working for naught. We also need to be able to develop good spending habits.

Knowing what is essential and what is just frivolous would allow us to take into account where our money goes and if those expenditures are necessary. Wealth creation gurus greatly stresses the great need to gain financial literacy. If we know where our money goes and if we control how our money is spent, we would be able to develop good spending habits and increase our cash flow.

Back to the case in point. By scrutinizing all our expenses we would be able to budget our money and save a significant amount to be used for investments. This money is what you will use to build your riches. Let's face it, diversifying our portfolio would provide us a better opportunity to amass wealth than just putting it in banks. With the way inflation is raising, bank interests don't really stand a chance.
One great way of developing good spending habits the is by controlling your expenses. By doing so, you will have great accounting of all your cash flow. How to do this? There are simple but hard steps that one must do.

First things first, we should have great self-discipline. Before going to the mall or the grocery, make a list and make sure that you stick with that list. Some people I know go to the grocery without a list and just picks up everything they fancy. We should stick with the list and a budget. Also, take a look at your options, some products are cheaper than others, take your time to compare. Learn to say no to others and to yourself.
Your income can afford what you want if you limit your wants. You have to be sensible and practical with your wants. If you don't really need to have something, it is better to let it pass. Avoid window shopping too often as they cause more unneeded wants. Stick to your basic needs and to paying your fixed payments. What is left in your budget, after establishing it, is your passport to great wealth.

Do your research and compare for prices. See what your options are. What's so great about globalization is that because of the competition in the market, many businesses offer a wide array of discounts and promos which can help us save in our purchases. You can try the Internet, with so many e-businesses coming up, we would be able to visit a number of sites or shops that can provide the same product at competitive prices. Check out every detail of your purchase, you can be able to see if the shipping charges are reasonable and whether it would be more practical and cheaper than buying in your own locality.

We should be stringent in our purchases but of course we should also give ourselves something we enjoy. Try to get yourself something that is not so extravagant and expensive, yet would give a feeling of satisfaction. Make a list of what you want. If you really think that it can give you some sense of gratification and self fulfillment, try to reward yourself with it, as long as it doesn't ruin your budget and still leave behind a substantial amount that you can use for your business and investments. Developing a good spending habit does not mean you have to suffer and be a miser.

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