Missing olympic athletes

Seven Cameroon athletes have disappeared while in Britain for the London Olympics, the country's Ministry of Sports and Physical Education has announced. The seven athletes, five boxers, a soccer goalkeeper and a swimmer - are suspected of having to leave Europe for economic reasons.
David Ojong, The mission head said five boxers eliminated from the games disappeared on Sunday from the Olympic village. A reserve goalkeeper for the women's soccer team, Drusille Ngako, was the first to disappear. She was not one of the 18 finally retained after pre-Olympic training in Scotland. While her team-mates left for Coventry for their last preparatory encounter against New Zealand, she vanished.
A few days later, swimmer Paul Ekane Edingue and his personal belongings were also not found in his room. International
Olympic Committee (IOC) officials said on Tuesday they had heard nothing about the missing athletes. It is not the first time Cameroonian athletes have disappeared during international sports competitions. At past Francophonie and Commonwealth games, as well as junior soccer competitions, several Cameroonians have quit their delegation without official consent.