While Jessica Simpson just announced her second baby, Glee creator Ryan Murphy has become a father for the first time. After watching the first season of American Horror Story, we're not so sure he should be raising a kid, but congrats anyway.
E! says Murphy and husband David Miller sent an email to family and friends on Christmas Eve announcing, "Logan Phineas Miller Murphy,
Born December 24, 2012 9:47 a.m." It included a photo of a 6.6-pound,
21-inch baby boy inside a Christmas stocking. That's quite a gift from
Santa Claus.
Murphy and Miller got married in Massachusetts in July and
immediately started looking for ways to have a child. There are no
specifics on how they made this happen, but hey, it's Christmas, a time
of miracles. Either that or they wrote a really polite letter to the
North Pole.