Taylor Lautner regret

Taylor Lautner was left in agony after volunteering to carry slim actress Kristen Stewart for a "Twilight" film scene because the short sequence took all day to shoot. The actor plays teenage werewolf Jacob Black in the upcoming third installment of the franchise, "The Twilight Saga's Eclipse" and Lautner's character shows
off his superhuman strength by effortlessly picking up Stewart's Bella Swan.

Producers had attached Stewart to a harness so Lautner would look like he was carrying her, but the young hunk decided to flex his muscles and haul his slim co-star himself to make the scene look convincing. But Lautner quickly regretted his decision.

He tells MTV, "There's a scene where I'm carrying (Kristen), and it's also, like, four pages of dialogue. We actually had plans, a rig that was basically going to carry her, and I was just going to pretend that I was carrying her."

"We got there on the day, and the rig didn't look very natural. They were like, 'What are we going to do?' and I'm like, 'I'll just carry her. She's like, what, 110 pounds? It's no big deal!' We filmed that scene all day long. Did the wide shot, did my close-up, did her close-up, the back shot, everything. It was so hard... It was painful."

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